Jean-Georges Vongerichten, owner of Prime Steakhouse, at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, shares his recipe for this Prime favorite. These fries can also...
There's no cooking required for this "lasagna" made of garden-fresh zucchini and tomatoes, layered with creamy farmer cheese and basil leaves. Full of...
This quick, cheesy Doritos chicken casserole is tasty enough for any night of the week! My decadently cheesy casserole uses crushed Nacho Cheese Doritos...
30 Fresh & Summer Dinner Ideas- perfect for hot summer evenings. Full of healthy veggies and lean proteins, these summer dinners are full of flavor! (Grilled...
My quick and delicious grilled brats are an amazingly tasty treat you can whip up in no time! Give them a quick simmer in a delicious German beer before...
These easy to make Marinated Grilled Pork Chops are perfectly savory with just a touch of sweetness! Whether grilled, broiled, baked or pan seared, your...
Parsley root, found in markets with a large Jewish, German, or Polish clientele, tastes like a cross between carrots and celery. Try roasting it using...
Pizza Bagel Casserole is an easy dinner recipe the whole family will love.This everything bagel casserole is loaded with pepperoni, pizza sauce, green...
Mushroom and Ham White Pizza - roasted garlic white sauce with sauteed mushrooms, cheese, and ham make for a delicious pizza. Great way to use what you...
My easy, 3-ingredient baked chicken thighs are tender and juicy with a crispy outer skin that is perfectly seasoned! This method is so simple, you can...
Baked brats in caramelized sauerkraut is a wonderfully easy sausage casserole that feeds the family on a weeknight, or a crowd on game day, you decide....
Crock pot pork chops are an easy dinner to get on the table with minimal effort- combine just 3 ingredients then cover and cook! You'll love how delicious...
These Cilantro Lime Chicken Thighs are my favorite chicken for enchiladas and more! I love to use these perfectly flavored chicken thighs for tacos, chimichangas,...
Wonton wrappers -- an easy alternative to homemade pasta -- encasetender oyster mushrooms, smoky prosciutto, and vitamin-C-rich ruby chard (diced stemsare...
Despite its hearty appearance, this tangle of tastes is surprisingly light on the palate. Store-bought buckwheat noodles may be substituted for fresh in...
These recipes have been adapted from "Jeremiah Tower Cooks: 250 Recipes from an American Master" by Jeremiah Tower. Text copyright 2002 by Jeremiah Tower....